During my preparation for this trip to Iceland I did some random research on Icelandic poetry. This poem by Magnús Sigurðsson fell into my hands.
It seemed to match with the vibration of this new momentum and intention.
hefur skolað mér
á þurrt.
Úr kallfæri.
Undir nýjum
Og ég sái
í nýjan
A flood of thoughts
has washed me
Out of earshot.
Beneath a new
And now I plant
in an untouched

… and as often also a piece of music appeared a few days before my departure. This time it turned out to be Nils Frahm’s “Wintermusik” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1_AIpA0Xls), which finally – with its light in grave images and “Stimmungen”, with the light in shadow aspects – accompanied the entire trip and the rides through the days and the all bright night landscape under mostly cloudy skies, entering still undiscovered senses and sensations…
gos – eruption

að anda – breathing
Despite accompanying ease and lightness – the light of the days, the light of my mood – , Iceland’s offer this time was dimmedness, as in undefined silence, in structures in the structurelessness as of falling water, in unspoken voices, in bodiless breaths of the landscape which I noticed in the silence of the lava and moss fields at “night”…
This time no clear light broke through the clouds.
Iceland confronted with it’s bizarre, uncompromising, incalculable and forcing reminders.
Something keeps asking.
with humility